Christmas Eve Cruisers Style 24 Dec 19

(from my better late than never series)

The crew of SV Bella visited the local dockside café and inquired about a Christmas Eve feast for the cruising community. There were around 50+ boats here in Taiohae Bay, with plenty of hungry people. Turned into a nominal 2000 (that's 8:00 pm) start time after some of the folks wanted to attend the local 1900 Catholic Mass. As usual nothing here starts on time, and this was no exception. The big joke is that 2100 is "cruiser's midnight" so the idea of eating that late prompts visions of people's heads hitting their plates during dinner.

It must be said the dockside restaurant put on a really respectable feed, including roasting a whole pig over the fire. I reckon that pig was as respectable as any I've had in North Carolina where pork barbeque is something folks are willing to go to fisticuffs about.

The meal included various preparations of fish, chicken, pork, and veggies and was ravenously devoured by around 80 folks. At 20 CFP (about $18 US) a pop it was a bargain, and as a bonus everyone got to bring their own libations. Plenty of really bad wine to go around. . .

We met new people and enjoyed sharing a feast with the crowd. We showed a lot of love to our hosts. Everyone seemed to have a great time, staying up way past their normal bedtimes.

Regardless of the country or culture you're visiting, there's just nothing like sharing a meal with strangers to make new friends.

Sent via SailMail,

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