Ua Pou at first glance

9º 21.520s 140º 02.888w

Mon May 27 2019

Goodbye Nuku Hiva, hello Ua Pou! A lovely sail on a fairly close reach, averaging 4.6 knots over 5 hours and 34 minutes, total of 25.4 nautical miles, and here we are! I swear every time we get close to one of these islands I think we’re sailing into a King Kong or Jurrasic Park Movie. And yes, I am aware that the last King Kong movie was filmed on Saba down by Antigua and we have sailed past it while crewing a superyacht, but wow are these islands amazing to behold.

Ua Pua was at first a landmass off in the distance, visible from the Taiohae Bay up at Nuka Hiva. As we sailed along this beautiful sunny day, it began to take shape and soon these huge impressive rock formations were apparent – then the closer we got the more shrouded in mist they became. Every time we approach a new anchorage we have to steel ourselves for an even more amazing view. It’s enough to make me tired – kind of like driving around Canyonlands or Arches National Parks up by Moab, Utah.

Here in Hakahau Bay there are 3 local sailboats and one from Virginia; they’re departing for the Tuamotus in the morning. Ian and Manuela on Mr. X followed us down and now everyone is all tucked in nice and neat. When we arrived there were children playing on the beach, we could hear a crowd singing in the community center building about 100 meters away on shore, and as I paddled around the anchorage on my SUP I encountered groups of Marquesan folks singing and playing their guitars. This is a happy place.

Tomorrow we’ll dinghy ashore and investigate the local provisioning opportunities which include a grocery shop and a bakery. If the forecast still supports a decision to depart, we’ll likely get underway around lunch time and expect to arrive at our destination in the Tuamotus after about four days. I’m already looking forward to coming back here for the Marquesan festival in December. Yes we are cultural infidels, but there’s always hope. . .

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